Wednesday 18 September 2013


Navy Yard Gunman: Rhode Island Police Warned U.S. Navy

Founder and General Overseer of the Synagogue Church, Prophet T.B. Joshua says in an unusual manner, God did not reveal the death of Ghana’s President, Professor John Evans Atta Mills, which occurred on Tuesday in Accra.
The renowned cleric in a mournful mood affirmed he would have intensified prayers to avert the sudden departure of the late President if he had received any revelation from God.
The Ghanaian President was like a spiritual son to me so I could pray to God to avert the death, if I had received any revelation from him,” Prophet T.B. reportedly told reporters in Legos, Nigeria when ommenting on the death of President Mills.
On that score, he revealed President Mills and other senior government officials had visited his temple thrice this year to receive special prayers, but God never revealed his death to him in all the three instances.
“Of course, I knew he had been ill for some time now and he had come for special prayers concerning his health thrice this year, and I and my other ministers had prayed fervently for him. I was so hopeful he would recover his health completely, but it is sad and only God knows best why he should die now,” he asserted.
Against that backdrop, Prophet TB Joshua expressed profound shock over the death of Prof. Mills and urged Ghanaians to remain calm in this torrid period.
T.B. Joshua added: “Mills was a very committed person in the things of God and also very dedicated. Each time he was in church, you could see the fervor and hunger and thirst for God written all over his countenance. He was a very dear son to me and I was his spiritual godfather.
“I know many persons will be saying how come my fervent prayers did not save his life. All I can answer such persons is, why God allowed Stephen in the New Testament Bible to be stoned to death. Why did God not save the life of Stephen, an innocent man, as he was being stoned, dying?
The answer is simply this: sometimes God allows things to happen for unknown reasons, and indeed reasons no man can explain, that is why God is Almighty Sovereign God; who indeed can question Him, who can challenge God?
 “When we humanity eventually see God in the glorious city of Heaven, then, can we have answers to all our questions. For now, he can only get a 99 percent answer but never a 100 per cent answer”.

At about 8:15pm on 8 September, Bishop David Oyedepo, founder of Living Faith Church Worldwide, alias Winners’ Chapel, was in Abeokuta to meet with Governor Ibikunle Amosun of Ogun State. The meeting was facilitated by former president Olusegun Obasanjo, whom Oyedepo contacted to reach out to Amosun. The governor was said to be seething over the latest controversy involving Oyedepo and his church.
Two days earlier, some members of the church assaulted a team of  officials of the Ogun State Ministry Of Urban and Physical Planning, who had gone to the church’s headquarters in Ota to serve building inspection notices, as well as two journalists attached to Ogun State Television.
Peter Falomo, a reporter, and Lekan Egunjobi, a cameraman, were the worst hit. A statement issued by Yusuph Olaniyonu, Ogun State Commisioner for Information and Strategy, said the journalists were savagely beaten, their camera seized, the recording deleted and the camera damaged before it was released. Olaniyonu alleged that Oyedepo was  present, watching the assault as though it was a spectator sport. “The assault was witnessed by the Head Pastor of the Church, Bishop David Oyedepo, who equally was visibly angry at the decision of the officials to attempt to carry out their statutory duties in his church premises,” said Olaniyonu. The commissioner added that Oyedepo repeatedly spewed insults at the officials and asked why they imagined they had the licence to regulate building of structures for commercial purposes in his church premises.
Aside from the journalists, two officials of the ministry were also wounded by church members, who denied the team access to the church premises. The victims were taken to the General Hospital in Ota, where they were treated and subsequently discharged. The church authorities are said to have severally ignored invitations to meetings of the Stakeholders Forum, set up by the government, for organisations in the state to discuss with the government issues like physical planning and taxation regulations.
General Manager, Ogun State Urban and Physical Planning Board, Mr. Stephen Adewolu, who led the team of officials, accused the church authorities of acting as though they were above the law. “No organisation can carry on as if it is above the law. We have information that the people in that church are just building structures indiscriminately without building approval, without necessary environmental impact assessment reports and they are violating planning laws and regulations,” Adewolu said.
It was the second assault on government officials by Oyedepo’s followers in as many days. A day before, officials of the Ogun State Internal Revenue Service, OGIRS, who visited the church premises to effect the payment of outstanding taxes were similarly attacked. According to officials of the agency, the outstanding taxes, which cover a seven-year period, are owed by Kingdom Heritage Nursery School, owned by Oyedepo’s church and located within its headquarters. The tax owed is put at less than N2 million. “What they owe is below two million naira. It is from 2003 to 2010. We have sent several notices to them. The first one was in 2010, followed by that of 2011 and the last was in May 2013. Our men were explaining to them when some personnel, including their legal officer and accountant, came out and in the course of discussion, our men were beaten blue black and our equipment were destroyed,” explained OGIRS Chairman, Mr. Jide Odubanjo.
At a press conference a day after the assault, the state government showed a video of the attack on OGIRS officials and subsequent detention of journalists for three hours by staff of the school. The video was recorded on the sly by a government official with a mobile phone and later downloaded on DVD. The detained staff were released following the intervention of the Divisional Police Officer of Onipanu in Ota Division. Odubanjo said the service is legally empowered to access and inspect financial records in the premises of any business located within the state. He explained that the recent inspection was part of the government’s drive to ensure compliance with tax laws and enforcement efforts. Odubanjo added that the visit to the church’s headquarters became necessary in view of the fact that the authorities of the church had ignored reminders to pay up.
Muyiwa Adejobi, Public Relations Officer of the Ogun State Police Command, said the matter will be investigated. Ogun State Attorney-General and Commissioner for Justice, Mrs. Abimbola Akeredolu, said her ministry is studying the facts on the two incidents with a view to fashioning an appropriate legal response.
Before the meeting with Oyedepo, Amosun was said to have met with some key officials of his government, including heads of law enforcement agencies, and taken a decision to seal off the premises of the church last Monday. The decision was, however, leaked to the church, a development that pushed Oyedepo to seek Obasanjo’s assistance in getting through to the governor.
At the meeting with Oyedepo, said sources, Amosun did not conceal his disgust at the conduct of Oyedepo’s followers. A source at the meeting said Oyedepo pleaded for leniency, but the governor said the church must pick the hospital bills of the victims and replace all the damaged equipment. The governor was also said to have insisted that law must take its course in the matter.
Sources told TheNEWS that five of those involved in the attack on government officials have been arrested by the police and may be slammed with charges based on their statements to the police.
“Without prejudice to the facts on ground and with the video evidence we have just watched, they may likely be charged for false imprisonment and assault,” said Akeredolu, Commissioner for Justice.
When TheNEWS visited the church’s headquarters, a pastor that refused to give his name confirmed that Oyedepo met with the governor. He explained that the preacher agreed to pick the medical bills of the victims and pay for the damaged equipment. He also said church officials involved in the violence will be sanctioned on release from police detention. The pastor, however, denied the government’s claim that Oyedepo was present when government officials were being molested and branded the authors of such claim as mischievous.
But a regional pastor, who prefers to be anonymous, told this medium that church officials that attacked OGIRS officials did so based on the conviction that the church has been sensitive to the needs of its host community and is thus entitled to a tax-exempt status. He said this was conveyed to OGIRS officials who, rightly, were unimpressed.
Just like the Ogun State government, the British authorities have also developed an interest in Oyedepo, whose church in Britain has received an estimated £16 million in tithes from followers between 2008 and 2013. Of this sum, according to a recent report in The Guardian of London, over £1 million has been funnelled into the church’s operation in Nigeria, the reason for which the Charity Commission of England and Wales is scrutinising the church’s finances. The commission is a non-ministerial department that functions as the regulator and registrar of charities in England and Wales. Last month, The Guardian reported that the Charity Commission was investigating allegations that charitable funds that accrued to Oyedepo’s church have been misapplied.
The commission is looking into two Christian charities connected to Oyedepo, estimated by Forbes to be worth $150 million, over concerns about misapplication of charitable funds and conflicts of interest.
World Mission Agency, the church’s charity vehicle, registered with the commission in 2001 and lists its objectives as the proclamation and advancement of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Its 2011 accounts list Pastor David Oyedepo Jnr, the preacher’s son, as its chief executive.
 World Mission Agency – Winners’ Chapel International, which shares the same trustees and website as World  Mission Agency, registered in 2010 and lists among its objects the advancement of education and the relief of those in need.
The latest accounts on the commission’s website show that World Mission Agency had an income of £224,000 in 2011, but spent almost £7.5 million. World Mission Agency – Winners’ Chapel International had an income of £11.9m in 2001 and spent £3.4m, according to its 2011 accounts.
The World Mission Agency annual accounts for 2011 state that its net assets, valued at £8.5m, were donated to World Mission Agency – Winners’ Chapel International. According to World Mission Agency’s accounts, the sum £663,532 was contributed in 2011 by the congregation “for onward transmission to the world headquarters in Nigeria”. The year before, payment to the Living Faith Church totalled £324,683. In 2009 £149,000 was sent “for charitable activities in Africa”.
 Other payments from the cash donated weekly by the congregation include £192,000 in 2009 and 2010 as “welfare assistance” for unspecified “certain members of the church”. Identified charitable donations were discovered, however, to be considerably smaller. These include £10,500 to Great Ormond Street Children’s Hospital in London, £9,000 to Christian Aid–an international charity that attends to emergencies worldwide–for the Haiti earthquake appeal and £2,500 to charities in Lewisham, East London.
Joel Edwards of Micah Challenge, which runs Exposed, a global anti-corruption campaign aimed at churches, business and government, praised the generous spirit of congregations such as that of Oyedepo’s church, but called on church leaders to be more transparent. “All of us have a growing concern about any kind of mercenary response that puts cash at the centre of Christian faith. I challenge any movement, including Winners, to be open and account for its money wherever it goes because it comes originally from hard-working, faithful people,” said Edwards.
The seed of the scrutiny of the church’s finances was sown last November, when Paul Flynn, a member of the British Paliarment, accused Winners’ Chapel of cynical exploitation of members. “They [Winners’ Chapel] are making clearly spurious claims and it seems to be a cynical exploitation of the gullible,” he said.
Donations to Oyedepo’s church in England almost doubled from £2.21m to £4.37m between 2006 and 2010. A hefty £794,000 or 73 per cent of the charitable donations by the British Winners’ Chapel between 2007 and 2010 went to the headquarters in Nigeria. The registered charity has spent £6.81m on evangelism and ‘praise, worship and fellowship’.
Oyedepo’s teaching, which puts the accent on ceaseless giving of tithes and offerings (Kingdom investment), is followed and reviled in equal measure. He and other prosperity preachers have been accused of milking the passion and emotion that Christianity commands to give themselves Hollywood lifestyles of jets, pricey autos, sumptuous wardrobes and unfettered adulation.
This combination of fame and fortune in superstar preachers, especially in Oyedepo, is considered by critics as having filled them with breathtaking conceit towards the less fortunate and indifference to the law. Two years ago, an online video went viral when it showed Oyedepo viciously slapping a young girl, who claimed to be a witch during a church service. The violent conduct provoked joy in the congregation. He was later shown in a separate video, lustily saying: “I slapped a witch here last year!”
When criticism erupted online, Oyedepo’s followers defended his use of violence by citing the Biblical account of Matthew 21:12, which records Jesus throwing out traders from the temple, but conveniently ignoring the fact that the account has no evidence of Jesus slapping or punching any of the traders. “Jesus entered the temple courts and drove out all who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves,” reads the verse. In May 2012, Oyedepo was sued over the alleged assault. The case was struck out, a decision that has since been appealed.
Oyedepo’s diary of controversies reads like a rap sheet. A report in the Newswatch edition of 7 July 2010 detailed his alleged ill-treatment of three pastors of his church–Akah Ikenna (Benin), Ifeakwachukwu Sunday (Asaba) and Dick Abiye (Port Harcourt)––who were involved in auto crashes that left them with disabilities. According to the magazine, the pastors, who earned N45,000 monthly, were on official assignment for Winners’ Chapel when separate accidents occurred.
Sunday, ordained a pastor of the church in 2001, was serving at Umunede, Delta State, when the accident occured. One of his legs broke into two and he also suffered severe  pelvic dislocations. At a hospital in Benin, Edo State, he underwent  several surgeries, including one through which steel braces were inserted into the leg and the pelvis. He was then discharged and asked to come back for a second operation to remove the objects. But, as he claimed, the church abandoned him at the hospital in Benin, “but through the help of some brethren, I came back to my station”, bed-ridden.
Sunday was redeployed to the church’s district office at Asaba. But he got another letter the same day terminating his appointment. He went to the headquarters to appeal to Oyedepo for a re-consideration of his case. “Luckily, I met Oyedepo himself as he was coming out from the church. After I had introduced myself, he asked me what I wanted. I told him I needed money for the operation to remove the metals from my body. He then directed me to one Ndubuisi, who was then the secretary. Ndubuisi asked me what it would cost and I told him I did not know till we meet the doctors. He then asked me to go and do so and get back to them. When I got the documents from the doctors, I went and submitted them to him, but the church never acted on them.”
Desperate, Sunday said he wrote to Oyedepo on 12 August 2009: “I had written series of letters to you, attached with the medical bill (N230,000) for my surgery, but all to no avail. I believe the letters did not get to you. From the time I was relieved of my service to the church, it has not been easy for me following pains from the injury. Now, I cannot stand for a period of three minutes, not alone walk. I solicit for your fatherly care. I have nowhere else to turn to but this organisation I once belonged to.” He never got a response and claimed not have been paid his entitlements.
Sunday resigned to fate. So did Abiye, his colleague. But Ikenna, the third pastor, hired Lagos-based lawyer, Festus Keyamo and went to court. They won the case at the Ota High Court. But Oyedepo and his church headed to the Appeal Court, where the case has remained since 2009.
The church’s spokesmen denied that they were abandoned. In a statement, the church said: “They were not abandoned. They were treated on moral ground and in demonstration of good Christian character. The church (Winners’ Chapel) has the right to review its workers’ performances and release from service any staff it feels his or her services are no longer needed.” It was in the 11 November 2011 edition of Newswatch that Oyedepo publicly commented on the issue. “I almost cursed them (i.e. the three pastors). If there is any case that is serious to take to the court, you go to the court and lawyers will take charge,” he said

In Nigeria gunmen attack police station and kill 2 In Nigeria gunmen attack police station and kill 2
Police and witnesses say about 20 gunmen attacked a police station in Nigeria's northern Adamawa state, killing two policemen and wounding two.
Adamawa state police spokesman Mohammed Ibrahim said Thursday that the attackers used sophisticated equipment, including rocket-propelled grenades and improvised explosive devices, to overpower police in Wednesday's attack. He said that no civilian casualties were reported.
Residents said they were surprised by the attack that came as the area was under a state of emergency. They said that the attackers started shooting to scare people as they engaged the policemen on duty.
Police said the gunmen escaped. The attack comes as northern Nigeria faces attacks by Islamic extremists

Church Sign Contains Message For Homophobes

Church Sign Contains Message For Homophobes
St. John's Anglican Church put rather interesting signboard which contains statement against Christians who believe homosexuality is a sin. The photo of this sign gone viral after a local citizen put it online.
The sign for St. John's Anglican Church reads simply, "Jesus had two dads and he turned out just fine!"
Since it was posted to Reddit by user Reeb0k on Wednesday, the church sign has been viewed by more than 774,271 people.
Although not much is known about the photo, the church's leaders seem to be following in the footsteps of the Gosford Anglican Church in Australia, which posted a similar message a few weeks ago.
Gosford made international headlines early in August after putting up a signboard that read, "Dear Christians, some people are gay, get over it, Love God."

Oando had claimed Mr. Ibori owns insignificant shares of the company.Contrary to the claim by oil and gas company, Oando Plc, that former governor of Delta State, James Ibori, owns “insignificant” shares in the company, British prosecutors, Tuesday, provided overwhelming evidence that the convicted money launderer owns almost a third of the company.
A crown prosecutor told a British Crown Court in Southwark, London, that Mr. Ibori told a Swiss private bank in 2004 that he owns up to 30 per cent of Oando.
Mr. Ibori is believed to have laundered more than N12.5 billion (£50 million) stolen from the treasury of oil-rich Delta State during his tenure as governor. The case has been described as one of the biggest embezzlement cases ever seen in Britain.
More details of how he hid his illicit wealth in a maze of shell companies and offshore accounts are expected to be revealed in a the three-week long asset confiscation hearing that started on Monday.
According to Ms. Wass, while opening an account at Swiss bank, PKB, through a shell company called Stanhope Investment, Mr. Ibori told the bank he owns 30 per cent of Oando.
Reading from internal PKB documents, Ms. Wass said the former governor passed himself as the owner of an insurance company and 50 per cent owner of a Nigerian Bank.
She also revealed that N180 million ($1.2 million) was transferred from Oando in three instalments into Mr. Ibori’s account in PKB. She said the money was subsequently transferred into a fund meant to purchase a N3 billion ($20 million) private jet for Mr Ibori.
Oando, Nigeria’s biggest indigenous oil company, issued a statement Monday denying that some of Mr. Ibori’s wealth was hidden in the company.
“Based on our current shareholding register, Mr Ibori’s shareholding stands at 443 shares out of a total issued and paid-up share capital of 6.8 billion ordinary shares, which is clearly insignificant, and cannot be considered as a large part of Oando,” the firm said.
Oando shares dipped 10 per cent at the shock market, on Tuesday after news of Mr. Ibori’s involvement with the company broke.

Money like the Kennedys
Internal document shows that Mr. Ibori awed officials of PKB with his enormous stolen wealth so much that the bank likened him to a descendant of the Kennedys in the U.S. The bank described Mr. Ibori as being from a wealthy Nigerian family with decades old wealth gained from investment in the petroleum sector.
“We could compare these families with the Kennedy dynasty which also mixed business and politics,” the bank document said.
Another part of the document also described him as “an extremely rich man as he was doing a lot of business before becoming governor”
0recent evidence has shown that Mr. Ibori started out as a career petty thief who stole building materials in Nigeria and shoplifted in cohort with his now convicted wife in the U.K.

Lagos Ranked World’s 4th Worst City Lagos Ranked World’s 4th Worst City
Lagos is the fourth worst city in the world, Economist Intelligence Unit, EIU, an independent forecasting and advisory business within the Economist Group has said. And its top worst cities, are scattered around Africa and Asia.
Lagos, the fourth on the list, shares its 137 position with Port Moresby, in Papua New Guinea on 38.9 per cent.The report made available yesterday described it as the second-fastest growing city in Africa and the fourth worst city on earth.
“Rapid growth is not always a good thing because Lagos is now a magnet for two perpetual threats to peace: pirates and Islamist warriors. Boko Haram have a problem with cities like Lagos and also lots of weaponry. Pirates threaten trade and use kidnapping as a method of funding. Islamist terrorist groups such as Boko Haram (“Education is forbidden”) want to create their own version of heaven on earth by destroying cities such as Lagos and imposing strict sharia law. Lagos has enormous potential but as yet little to show for it – hence its poor ranking,” the report said. EIU in its 2013 annual survey of the world’s 140 major metropolises, said Lagos has a long way to go politically, socially and economically before it joins the emerging market club.

Fatoumata Binta Amina Diallo, Killed After Falling On New York Subway
An aspiring doctor was killed in a horrific subway accident on Wednesday June 1 when she passed out on a sweltering Upper East Side platform and fell onto the tracks — realizing what happened too late to escape an uptown train bearing down on her.

Fatoumata Binta Amina Diallo, 21, “was cut in half,” said one shocked witness.

Diallo fainted at around 3 p.m. at the 77th Street/Lexington Avenue station, which was filled with schoolkids on their way home, said transit and police sources.

The Bronx woman had been returning from a dental appointment, said her family.

Diallo came alive after falling onto the rail bed, and desperately tried to get out of the way of the No. 6 train by scrambling to the area between the north-south bound tracks.

But she couldn’t move fast enough. She was pronounced dead at the scene.

The young woman’s death devastated her family.

Close to 50 wailing mourners gathered last night at the West Tremont Avenue apartment she shared with her father, stepmother and brother.

“The family’s traumatized. The father can’t even speak. This is just horrible,” said a cousin who asked not to be identified.

Diallo, a native of Ghana, had been studying at Borough of Manhattan Community College and dreamed of becoming a doctor, according to family members.

She had just celebrated her birthday last Thursday.

The accident horrified strap hangers on the packed Bronx-bound train.

“I heard the thump, the train hit something and it stopped,” said passenger Nicole Katzender, 26, of Queens.

Sandra Pereira, 47, also of Queens, described a chaotic scene in the tragedy’s aftermath.

“Everyone was waiting for the train, and they started screaming,” she said.

Riders said temperatures in the subway station were very high as the mercury outside reached 90 degrees, making it the hottest day of the year so far.

With added humidity, it felt closer to 102 degrees, said AccuWeather meteorologist Mike Pigott.

Straphanger Amber Shanks, 19, from The Bronx, said, “It’s extremely hot down here. It’s not safe.”

Nigerian actress gives her life to Jesus
Christ becoming born again

This popular scriptural verse
 has become a fulfillment in the life
 of controversial Nollywood actress..

P-Square got nominated for the 2013 MTV EMA and now another nomination at this year's Soul Train Awards. They nominated alongside Iyanya for the 'Best International Performance' category.
  • Best International Performance (
  • Differentology - Bunji Garlin
  • The Fog - Machel Montano
  • Next To Me - Emeli Sande
  • Personally - P-Square
  • Ur Waist – Iyanya

Kendrick Lamar leads the Soul Train Awards with six nominations, including new artist and song and album of the year; he's closely followed by Justin Timberlake, Robin Thicke, Miguel, Chris Brown and Tamar Braxton, with five each. The award will be taped Nov. 8 at the Orleans Arena.

A popular Nollywood film producer, Uchenna Mbunabo, has been dragged before a Tinubu Magistrate’s Court for allegedly defrauding an actress of N1.7m.
The 28-year-old producer was said to have collected the money from Maryjane Okoye under the pretext that he would produce a film for her.
He allegedly collected the sum since January 2012.
Mbunabo was however said to have defaulted after collecting the money from the complainant.
The incident was said to have happened in the Victoria Garden City, Ajah area of Lagos.
The police, after arresting Mbunabo, arraigned him on Wednesday on two counts of fraud and stealing.
The charges read in part, “That you, Uchenna Mbunabo,  sometimes in January, 2012, at Victoria Garden City, Ajah, in the Lagos Magisterial District, did with intent to defraud, unlawfully obtain the cash sum of one million seven hundred thousand Naira (N1,700,000) from one Maryjane Okoye,  under the pretence that you will produce her movie, a presentation you knew to be false.”
The prosecutor, Supol A.  Orji, said the offences contravened and were punishable under Sections 312(1), 285(5) (a) of the Criminal Law of Lagos State Nigeria, 2011.
The defendant pleaded not guilty to the offences.
The magistrate, Mrs S.K Matepo, admitted the defendant to bail in the sum of N500,000 with two sureties each in like sum.
The matter was adjourned till October 7.

D'banj Redefines Hip Hop Culture

Its so amazing the way the Hip Hop culture has been redefined by Nigerian Artistes.
Before now, it used to be believed that as a Hip Hop act, if you don't sag, wear studs, tattoes and dreadlocks, you ain't a true Hip Hop representer.
That believe has been squashed by the likes of Don Jazy, 2Face, D'Banj and so many other artistes who rock Corporate Attires and still make the best Hip Hop songs.
These acts have proven that it's not about fronting as a Hip Hop artiste with the childlike appearance but churning out the songs that makes you get reckoned with as a true Hip Hop artiste.
D'Banj, a Hip Hop act, recently released pictures of him on suit and tie. Something which looks like telling dem boys that, swag is for boys, class is for men. Check out these pics, isn't he lovely? Looking so Classy.
Kudos to Nigerian Artistes for lots of trailblazing.

If you say wonders will never cease to end in the scandal-full Nollywood, you will be saying the obvious truth. The industry has even given the Nigerian entertainment industry a bad name to the extent that those in the other sectors of the entertainment industry are beginning to regret having Nollywood with them.
The latest to come out of the scandalous Nigerian film industry is about a popular actor, producer and director, who allegedly impregnated his housemaid.
According to the information making rounds in the industry, this actor, fair in complexion, comes from a very popular family with Nollywood root. This will not be the first alleged s3x scandal that would be coming out from that family. Many just wonder what exactly is the matter with this family.
As the story goes, this actor, who has three children from different women, is not even perturbed about the disgraceful act he allegedly committed. His marriage to one popular public figure went into the gutters some years ago, if you know what we mean here, you can decode.
This dude is very handsome and looks like a former governor of a state in Nigeria. Ironically, to shock you, this randy actor allegedly shown his Calabar maid the family way despite the influx of ladies to Surulere home in Lagos.
You might now probably know the crux of the matter being discussed here if you dot the 'I's and cross the 'T's.

Monalisa In Kirikiri Prison [Pictures]

Click for Full Image Size Delectable movie icon, Monalisa Chinda, after her hope was dashed by the serial heart breaker, Lanre Nzeribe, went to Kirikiri maximum prison, female wing, to celebrate her birthday.
She was there on Sunday 15th September 2013 and trust the Nollywood superstar, Monalisa lit up the hearts of female prisoners at the yard in Apapa, Lagos with an exhilarating charity visit which lasted several hours.
Aside making an unannounced donation with various items including food stuffs, clothes, under wears, toiletries, perfumes, provisions and the likes through her foundation, Arise Monalisa Foundation, the multiple award-winning actress took her time to interact and encourage the prison inmates who were overjoyed to receive her.
“Though we may not be in control of what happens to us in life, we are absolutely responsible for our reactions to what happens to us. And it is our reaction that ultimately determines the results and quality of our lives. On getting here today, I was told some inmates were recently released by strange interventions, so this can’t be the end for you.” she said while giving her words of advice to them.
Some of the prison inmates couldn’t help their teardrops as she continued. “I want you to know that there is more to your life than your present state and, no matter what anyone has said to you, there is hope for you.”
She also shared a word of prayer as she bonded with the beaming inmates who couldn’t contain their joy and excitement. Though the inmates were not allowed be photographed, they all had a great time bonding with Monalisa who made a commitment to regularly visit and send items to them from henceforth.

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